Last night I tried my hand at cooking. I've always liked to cook.. but I've never been very good at it. For some reason, recipes always end up tasting particularly special (not in a good way) when I cook them. Regardless, I keep trying.. afterall, one of goals for my 25th year of life (I turn a quarter century old on January 3rd!) is to learn how to cook three delicious meals by heart. I decided to cook Quorn Tikka Masala. What the heck is Quorn?! you ask.. Let me tell you! It's a fake chicken product. I was excited to try it when I found it in my local grocery store's ever elusive health food aisle (the health food section always seems hidden to me for some reason.. maybe it's because it's all the way at the far end of the store).
I cooked it according to the recipe I found on Quorn's website, but was a bit taken a back later last night when I was searching for more recipes online for the product and came across numerous reports about people getting violently ill from the main ingredient - Mycoprotein - a fungus... ew.. that can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and even anaphylactic shock in some people. Sadly, I ate a good portion of the meal I had made (which turned out really well..sans the whole -you might get sick and die- thing) before reading about about the possible side effects. Needless to say, I have leftovers that I won't be eating. While the meat substitute I used may have been a poor choice, the recipe was very good. The Tikka Masala sauce was quite savory and easy to make. I will definitely use this recipe again.. but maybe next time I'll stick to tofu.
Here's a link to the recipe: Quorn Tikka Masala
happy almost birthday! i can't believe thats what happens when people eat quorn. i'm sure you know about it, but my favorite protein non-meat is quinoa, its so yummy. good luck on the cooking :)