Remember the 90's? Remeber Nicktoons? Then odds are that you remember a football-headed kid named Arnold. "Hey Arnold!" was by far my favorite cartoon growing up... and I watched a lot of cartoons. It had it all - humor, heart, big city life and an obsessive poet/bully with a unibrow... how could you go wrong with that recipe?! I had the pleasure of interviewing Craig Bartlett, the creator of "Hey Arnold!", this past February in Los Angeles. I always assumed that he was a cool dude because he'd created such a cool show, but after meeting him and chatting for a bit it was obvious that his coolness far surpassed standard levels of coolness on the cool-o-meter. Since his interview, Craig and I have kept in touch and we've even started up an epic game of Draw Something (we're approaching 1,000 drawings...I think we deserve some sort of metal for that, don't you?) When I decided to start up this "Mail Order Interview" feature on my blog, I knew that I wanted to interview Craig because his answers were bound to be FRIGGIN' AWESOME. So, without further ado, I bring you my pal Craig Bartlett's wonderful interview!
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