Today's Mail Order Interview is with the very talented and very lovely Vanessa Davis. Vanessa is a quick witted Los Angeles based illustrator, cartoonist and comic artist. She's incredibly talented and, after having met with her for coffee and talking about art and life and being a lady in this crazy day and age, I can say that she is also an incredibly wonderful person.
What could make Vanessa even more amazing?! How about the fact that she's a published illustrator, cartoonist and comic artist - her most recent publication being Make Me a Woman.
What could make Vanessa even more amazing?! How about the fact that she's a published illustrator, cartoonist and comic artist - her most recent publication being Make Me a Woman.
It was actually Make Me a Woman that introduced me to Vanessa's work. I was a newb to Los Angeles and decided that the best first place for a single lady about town to visit would be a comic book store. While perusing the shelves of Meltdown Comics, I came across a brightly colored image of a girl painting her toenails on the toilet - something I had done hundreds of time in my 27 years on this planet. The title also really grabbed me - could someone else know what it's like to feel old enough to be called a woman, but feel like a kid inside? As I looked through the pages of the book I couldn't believe how much I related to this Vanessa Davis person. She had to be awesome. It was a few months later that I had the privilege of sitting down to coffee with Vanessa confirmed her awesomeness. Vanessa, thanks for what you do and thanks for being you!!
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